Line Oldervoll er gjesteredaktør i tidsskriftet Nutrients og ønsker å høre om noen har aktuelle artikler om trening, kosthold og kreft. De jobber med et spesialnummer om trening, kosthold og kreft i dette tidsskriftet, hvor frist for å sende inn manuskript er 1. september 2021. Ta i så fall kontakt med Line på mail (

Nutrition and Physical Exercise in the Patients with Cancer
Message from the Guest Editor (Line Oldervoll)
For this Special Issue, we invite papers that expand our knowledge on the role of nutrition and physical exercise in combination across the entire cancer trajectory, involving
patients from prehabilitation to the palliative stage of the disease. Especially, articles focusing on older cancer patients, the use of digital platforms and patients with severe muscle-mass depletion at any stage of the disease are of special interest. We encourage authors to submit articles with both qualitative and quantitative designs (systematic reviews and meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, other types of intervention and feasibility studies, protocol papers and observational studies).